July 23 News
I start the monthly update with a question – how can businesses and individuals help others to improve their literacy? Imagine being...
June 23 News
Can we already be a quarter of the way through our year as High Sheriff? I’m in denial but June has been another busy and very enjoyable...
May 23 News
I am thankful that May was a largely dry month, and my ‘velvet and feathers’ were able to be worn when requested. I’ve already been asked...
April 23 News - 1st month in office!
I have enjoyed an incredibly varied first month in office as High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, travelling to all parts of the county....
March News
And so my High Sheriff year draws to a close. March began with a visit to HMP The Mount with my Under Sheriff and Chaplain to meet the...
February News
February might be a short month, but I have been very busy. Looking after His Majesty’s Judges is an important part of a High Sheriff’s...
January News
January 2023 marked the start of my final three months as High Sheriff. The highlight of the month was my introduction to the latest...
December News
December marked nine months in office as High Sheriff and the end of a wonderful 2022. Early December Fabulous Nordic Fir Christmas trees...
High Sheriff's Justice Service
The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire’s Justice Service takes place in November each year in the glorious surroundings of St Albans...
November News
November was the busiest month of my year, the highlight being the glorious High Sheriff's Justice Service in St Albans Cathedral. Week...