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A Message from the New High Sheriff of Hertfordshire

I am proud and honoured to be assuming the role of High Sheriff of Hertfordshire following my Declaration Ceremony yesterday.

Stelio has done an outstanding job this last year and I’m grateful for the advice and guidance he has provided.

Each High Sheriff may select a theme for his year in office and I have decided to celebrate volunteering in Hertfordshire. I am keen to recognise as many of the kind and generous people in the County who give of their time as volunteers to help the community. One key programme I have initiated, partnered with Hertfordshire Community Foundation, sees us taking 10 volunteer organisations through a 12 month programme to increase effectiveness in their particular area.

I will keep everybody updated through the website, and social media over the coming year.

I look forward to meeting many of you along the way!

Please bear with us as we update this site over the coming weeks.

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