New High Sheriff zooms into office
My year of office began on Saturday 4th April, not in the traditional way with a Declaration Ceremony, but via a video link from my home. However, it was just as meaningful and poignant and does not detract from the important role of this ancient office in anyway. My thanks to Robert Voss CBE CStJ our Lord-Lieutenant for joining in, to my proposer Jonathan Trower, Mr Justice Stuart-Smith who witnessed proceedings via the link and outgoing High Sheriff Sarah Beazley, all carefully orchestrated by Under Sheriff Richard Taylor. Sadly my Chaplain Revd Robert Fletcher of Aldenham Parish was unable to join. I am delighted and honoured to be the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire for the coming year. I start in these strange days and nights of lockdown but do not underestimate the needs of our communities at this unprecedented time. Never has the community spirit been more urgent and important. The role of High Sheriff may be an ancient order but the job moves with the times and today it moves to virtual link ups and mobile technology. Traditionally the High Sheriff is associated with the Police and Judiciary and this year will be no different. My own objectives are to promote the work of Hertfordshire Community Foundation with which I am closely associated and reach out to undiscovered charities in the County and support their amazing and noble work. On a personal front my interests lie with conservation and our rural communities and I will endeavour to give them a voice and platform in our County. But, this blog must close with thanks and appreciation to Sarah Beazley our outgoing Sheriff. She has travelled many miles, made many speeches, touched many hearts and minds and left a big imprint on Hertfordshire. Bravo Sarah, rest up for a while now you have passed over the baton - but I know you seldom rest and your work will continue in the years ahead. To everyone who reads this blog - stay safe.