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The Under Sheriff of Hertfordshire


Richard Taylor qualified as a solicitor with a central London firm in 1977 and remained with them for four years before joining the long-established firm of Longmores in his home town of Hertford.  He was a partner with Longmores for thirty years until December 2014 specialising in commercial and agricultural property and company law and was a consultant with the firm for a further four years.  


Richard helped to establish and work with Victim Support in East Hertfordshire in the late 1980s and into the 90s. He was a school governor for 10 years and remains a trustee of local charities engaged in the areas of education and community.  


He first became Under Sheriff in 2016, making Annie the ninth High Sheriff to appoint him.


Richard and his wife, Shirley, have two daughters and five grandchildren spread between Buckinghamshire and Tasmania.  His leisure time interests include watching and, as much as possible, playing ball sports, particularly cricket, football, table tennis and golf, and is a life-long Spurs supporter and a season ticket holder. He also enjoys cycling and walking, tries his hand occasionally at painting and calligraphy and has a fascination for maps and history.  


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